Explore Horse Speak &"Being Herd"
Gain Confidence, Clarity and Sustainable Communication
using the "Being Herd" Program
The synergy of this work represents a fundamentally
new approach to working with your horse and works with any training technique.
What are we all looking for from our horse?
A friendship, a companion, a partner. There is a magical quality to our horses I feel it every time I am with them. In addition to this I have to get a job done.
Such as:
Easier trailer loading
Calm with the Vet
Cooperative with the Farrier
Paying attention when going into the show ring?
Not freaked out when arriving at a new trail head?
Performance at an obstacle Trail Competition?
Easier starting of a BLM mustang?
Horse staying calm and thinking while doing any of these things.
Using Precise Equine Body Language Skills of Horse Speak, you can talk to your horse and actually understand what they are saying in response- a conversation. While Horse Speak is, most likely, infinitely complex, most students report significant results after just the first few steps.
This is not a method. Horse Speak is based on repeatable language skills, the same that horses use with each other.
In addition, I offer information on the Central Nervous System and the Brain, Equine Ethology, and neurochemicals that influence Learning, Memory and Emotions. Armed with this information, we can, for the first time, really understand what the horse's needs are, and how to meet them. When a horse feels understood and seen- they begin to look to you for direction and safety. Understanding these elements greatly increases your success with the horse or horses in your life.
Had a fantastic lesson with Lucinda Baker and Luke today learning about Horse Speak (basically, communicating with horses using their own body language, i.e. a language they understand very well and respond to). Luke was great, very interested, and I'm looking forward to continuing this work with him to create a better bond and mutual understanding. It's evidence based, and extremely interesting to see how horses respond once they realize you're talking in their language. Lucinda gives clinics and private lessons and it's well worth it! E. Gottesfeld
“Wow!! Okay all you horse folks near, and far, Lucinda Baker's Clinic at FromtheMotherFarm last Friday evening and all-day Saturday was absolutely fabulous! The amount of learning that was possible to come away with was incredible.
Lucinda ties Ethology (the study of animal behavior, in this case horses), with human/horse brain science, Neuroscience, Parasympathetic and Sympathetic body systems, and Horse Speak into a wonderful, clear, understandable PowerPoint presentation. She is funny, has stories to help with the understanding, uses 3 blow-up horses to show the activation buttons of Horse Speak in 3D so you can clearly see where they are. She explains things for folks who have never heard any of this kind of stuff- and deepens your understanding if you are already on a journey in this direction! She used her blow-up horses for hands-on experience before we brought the living horses to the arena. This gave confidence to folks as she coached them through the parts of Horse Speak that would be practiced that day.”
-N. Kittleson
In my classes, we cover all these ideas, help put them in context, and show you how to support your horse for success. This is done with practical exercises that we work through together as a team. It's about you and the horse. Once you have the foundation down with this work you will be able to have fun in any discipline.